How to market Cloud computing + saas tools

Marketing of cloud computer and saas tools

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SaaS Weekend

It’s finally the start of the weekend. I am going to be looking at a few new SaaS applications as well as logging into my CRM to add new leads 🙂 and delete old accounts :(. I was catching up on a few SaaS related news and I read that Freshbooks recently realesed a new add-on store.

For FreshBooks ( software partners, the new Add-on Store provides a powerful gateway to directly reach the FreshBooks customer base. Partners in the FreshBooks Add-on Store are promoted directly inside the FreshBooks application. In addition, the entire purchase is managed by FreshBooks, greatly cutting down steps for customers and partners alike.

Thats great. I think their huge userbase would  benefit from such an add-on. I also read something interesting about Zerply that its simple LinkedIn. That seems to be very good too. Should sign up for it soon.