How to market Cloud computing + saas tools

Marketing of cloud computer and saas tools

Category Archives: saas marketing

SaaS Weekend

It’s finally the start of the weekend. I am going to be looking at a few new SaaS applications as well as logging into my CRM to add new leads 🙂 and delete old accounts :(. I was catching up on a few SaaS related news and I read that Freshbooks recently realesed a new add-on store.

For FreshBooks ( software partners, the new Add-on Store provides a powerful gateway to directly reach the FreshBooks customer base. Partners in the FreshBooks Add-on Store are promoted directly inside the FreshBooks application. In addition, the entire purchase is managed by FreshBooks, greatly cutting down steps for customers and partners alike.

Thats great. I think their huge userbase would  benefit from such an add-on. I also read something interesting about Zerply that its simple LinkedIn. That seems to be very good too. Should sign up for it soon.

How to market SaaS tools?

Software as a service tools are very hard to market  because you need to convince the user to register for your service. This has to be done through the web using persuasive copy writing skills, very high quality graphics and a strong call to action.

most software as a service (saas) vendors use ruby on rails as a building platform. this allows them to register users with their own environment without any problems. this is the beauty of SaaS – customer provisioning is very simple and cost effective. This is why from a lead generation POV, trying to lure the web site visitor to register is of utmost importance.

Here are few interesting links on how to register SaaS leads:

I encourage you to read more about SaaS on wikipeida.